Create a Current Events Video

Video Yearbook Assignment:
The goal of this assignment is to create a yearbook video to highlight and capture the activities on our lovely campus. This project has a part A (shooting/recording video footage and sharing it) and a part B (editing your own video).

Project Overview:
In 10 or 20 years what will you remember most about High School? What will be your fondest memories? For many it is the bonds of friendship that we create, for others it is the trappings of student life, dress styles, hair styles, technology, teachers, environments, sports, events etc. Your challenge is capture as many of these moments as possible, combine them and to take the best pieces from our collection of footage and edit a great video together. Think of some great music to edit your video with and create a memorable project or slow down and work in details like interviews, testimonials, messages to the future etc.

Part A: Footage
  • Each student must provide a minimum of 10-20 minutes of usable footage to add to our collection. Ideally from a variety of events/times/places
  • When you are done shooting, copy your footage to our hard drive
  • Catalog your footage, is it sports footage? Interviews? Clothing and Style images? Messages to the future? Is it from an event? List the date/place when possible.
What to shoot?

B-Roll: This is footage that can be used as "filler" or as a visual narrative. Students coming to and from classes, working in class, teachers teaching, students working on projects and having fun, smiling faces etc.

Interviews: Interview teachers, faculty and students. Ask them to discuss their roles, activities, memories. They can send a message to themselves. Ask students about their concerns and hopes, plans for the near future, current obsessions etc.

Topic Ideas:
  • Current Events
  • News
  • Fashion, headgear, jewelry, shoes
  • Tech and gadgets
  • Language, slang
  • Popular culture, movies, tv, music
  • Teachers
  • Faculty
  • Events, dances, fund raising, proms
  • Clubs
  • Sports & teams
  • Spontaneous activities during breaks or lunch
Part B: Editing your video
  • Each student team is
  •  responsible for editing a final video. We will review them in groups and pick our favorites for a final round of judging
  • Use all the techniques you have learned to make a great video, nice titles, animation, music, rapid fire editing, keep audio levels smooth
Tips - Shooting Interviews:
  • Use a tripod with your camera, moving cameras are very distracting to the viewer.
  • Pick a quiet spot to record, audio is important for this project... wind can drown out your subjects voice.
  • Walk the school and ask anyone you can find if they are willing to be interviewed on camera.
  • Try to ask at least 10 to 15 people the same questions, "Who are you", "Where are you from" and "What is your favorite holiday memory?" or a question of your choosing, try to use questions that are open ended... "tell me about your year so far" or "what are you hoping will happen before the school year is over".
  • Download and convert your videos if needed.
  • Create a simple title sequence to introduce your video, great a title that has the question above before showing everyone's responses.
  • Edit the responses together, the result should have a good tempo.
  • Keep the quality up, use appropriate music, keep the edits clean and the camera work smooth.
Tips - Shooting Events:

  • Make sure you have plenty of storage space and a high speed SD card.
  • Keep the camera steady, avoid zooming in and out too much.
  • Use tripods or steadi-cam/shoulder rigs... your arms and hands will thank you! These cameras get heavy after an hour or so...
  • Record everything... when something interesting happens you should already be rolling.
  • Use telephoto lenses for sports events, it works well for crowds and athletes.
  • Backup your footage after every event.
  • Give yourself time to copy/edit/process and export video... this is a time consuming process.

Help and Assistance:
I am your advisor and facilitator and have years of experience in video production. Rely on my expertise to help your project to completion.

Good luck film makers!

- Mr.W

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